Many parents shy away from getting their children involved in contact sports. They usually shy away from it because they are afraid that their child will get concussions due to some form of head trauma. 

There's no denying that contact sports do bring the risk of concussions. However, there are ways to minimize the risk to your child's health and safety. The benefits of contact sports are many and if your child is interested, there's no need to shy away from getting them involved. You just need to understand how to protect them and become knowledgeable about how to treat injuries.

Get Your Child the Right Equipment

The right equipment is what is going to prevent your child from getting injured during contact sports. Always make sure that your child is wearing the proper helmets, footwear, and any pads that are recommended for the sport. 

All equipment should be fitted safely on your child. If you aren't sure about a form of equipment, do your research online or ask your child's coach directly. Wearing the proper equipment can reduce the chance that your child will be injured.

Signs of Concussions

Concussions are one of the most frequent and serious injuries that your child may experience from playing contact sports. As a parent, you need to be aware of the signs of your child having a concussion. Here is a short list of what you should be on the lookout for:

  • Headaches
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Mental Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Imbalance

All these symptoms point to the fact that your child may have a concussion.

Understand How Concussions Are Treated

You need to make sure you understand how concussions are treated. When your child has a concussion, they need to stop playing the sport immediately. Your child should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible. Your child's doctor will formally diagnose them so that treatment can begin. During the treatment period, your child will be asked to take a break from the sport. Rest is very important when recovering from a concussion. Your child will not be able to go to school. It is often recommended that they stay off devices and simply relax.

As you can see, there are quite a few things that you need to do to ensure that your child is kept safe and protected when they play contact sports. Once you get them the right equipment, learn how to recognize the signs of a concussion, and get the right treatment, your child should recover.

Contact a child healthcare provider for more information. 
