Worrying about work, school, and your family is normal if it spurns you to solve problems or improve your life. However, sometimes anxiety worsens until it interferes with your job, your school, and your relationships with others. Anxiety disorders do not go away on their own and require treatment before you feel more normal.

Some people feel restless, irritable, or unable to concentrate when they suffer from anxiety. But did you know that anxiety sufferers can have physical symptoms of this mental condition as well? Here are two tangible signs you might have an anxiety disorder.

Hair Loss

Loss of hair due to stress and worry is called telogen effluvium. Anxiety can cause the growth phase of hair follicles to slow down, which cascades into the transitional and resting phases of hair growth. The results are marked increases in the shedding of hair. Hair loss is apparent when you find clumps of hair in your brush or in the drain after a shower.

Fortunately, hair loss is often temporary and sufferers rarely lose all of their hair. When you seek treatment for anxiety, hair loss will slow down and eventually cease when hair follicle growth phases resume normal operation. You can also supplement your diet with vitamins as well to help hair grow back.

Profuse Sweating

Anxiety disorders are often the cause of profuse sweating. Experts believe feelings of danger or dread associated with worry can increase your heartbeat and raise your body temperature. Your body responds with a deluge of sweat to try and cool down.

Sweating occurrences can be sudden and drenching over your face and torso. Other times sweating is lighter and hits one area of the body, like the armpits. Sweat may be hot or cold. You may feel more intense feelings of anxiety before or after a sweating episode. You may notice no trigger at all for an episode.

Some people try to wear breathable clothing or undershirts to help combat heavy sweat. Others look to extra-strength antiperspirants. You may want to consider shorter body hair if you have concerns about smells associated with heavy sweat. Treatment for anxiety can also help lessen physical symptoms of anxiety disorder like sweating.

You do not need to suffer from these and other physical symptoms of anxiety disorder. Successful anxiety treatments can also lessen physical symptoms. Treatment options like group therapy are available to empower you with strategies to face your traumas and feel less worried and anxious.

Find a service that offers treatments for anxiety to learn more. 
