An urgent care is a medical facility you can go to when you are dealing with a medical condition that might not be considered enough of an emergency to go to the emergency department but should still be seen right away. Although urgent care facilities are mostly intended for this purpose, there are many other reasons why you might want to go to one. You will be able to learn more about urgent care facilities and what they can do for you in this guide:
Urgent care facilities can treat a wide range of conditions
If you get injured but it's not a dire emergency, then you can go to an urgent care. Some examples of these types of injuries can include sprained ankles, cuts that aren't too deep, minor burns, or minor breaks. Also, you can go to urgent care for illnesses, such as a sore throat, a fever without a rash, diarrhea, vomiting, a urinary tract infection, a cough, and more. You can also go to urgent care for things like bug bites, allergies, and ingrown toenails.
An urgent care facility can see you when your doctor can't
Sometimes, you will call your doctor when you get sick, but they aren't able to squeeze you in at the last minute. They may not even have an available appointment for days or even weeks. Or, you may end up getting sick after hours, on the weekend, or over a holiday. While you may not be to the point of needing to go to the emergency department, you may still need to be seen. Oftentimes, you need to take antibiotics or other medications to begin getting better. You'll want to start getting better as soon as possible, so going to urgent care can be the best way for you to go in these types of situations. Urgent care facilities are open 24 hours a day, every day of the week. This includes the weekends and holidays, so you can count on them to be available to you.
You will likely find that urgent care facilities can save you money
If you are at the point where you could go to either an urgent care or the emergency department, you will likely find that urgent care can be much less expensive than the emergency department would be. Therefore, if you don't have insurance, you may want to opt for going to urgent care.